the parking lot!
Francis Sullivan has donated his family home to the Senior Center. The house will be removed allowing for a larger, accessible parking lot. Work will hopefully start on this by the end of June. One more step on our journey to have a active meal site and a place for activities with parking close.
Posted Sept. 15th This past week was so exciting for our Senior Center. The former Sullivan House was taken down to begin the journey to a parking lot near the center. With generous help from Casella Waste Management, who donated 5 dumpsters, their employees (who donated their time) and Pam Kathan working Saturday and evenings this week we were able to take this down and SAVE $15,000. Kurt Colby, thank you for taking down the trees and the crew that cut those trees into firewood. Next up: right off in October will be the Chain Link Fence and the new blue stone parking lot!
Update as of Oct. 23rd The 100' chain link divider fence has been installed and finished by M.R.M Landscaping & Fence of Concord Vermont looks wonderful and is a great divider to the neighbor on the east side. The driveway was done by Eddie from Supreme Sealcoating of Lunenburg VT and Kirt Colby of Lunenburg hauled in loads and loads of gravel. Next, we want to add some lighting for those who attend the center after dark! This truly has been a community effort!

Starting April 4th- Open for meals 9 am to 2 pm.- see mealsite page for menu! Lunch will be served from 11:30 am to 1 pm Tuesday - Friday